For a little boost, mix half a dry lemon with 1 liter of oil to cool your body. It helps balance the blood.
Want to start your day with a bang? Add lemon to a glass of water and drink it. It regenerates cells and boosts energy quickly.
Lemon contains a compound called d-limonene that helps remove toxins and mucus from the body and aids in digestion. A delicious lemonade made with fresh water, fresh lemon juice, tart syrup and black pine nuts will refresh your body.
Drinking fresh lemon juice regularly helps in healing stomach ulcers.
Lemon juice can lower your blood pressure.
Drinking lemon juice and warm water after waking up in the morning will keep the body healthy. Lemon juice is good for people with mild diarrhea.
Lemons contain potassium, calcium, copper and magnesium that help strengthen bones. Drinking lemon juice daily will strengthen your bones from within.
Drinking lemon juice daily effectively kills intestinal worms.