About 15 percent of American adults have kidney disease, and many don’t know it. In fact, research shows that nine out of adults with kidney disease don’t know they have it. This is a terrible number.
With any disease, it is important to diagnose and treat it as soon as possible. Our goal is to provide information about kidney disease and its debilitating symptoms.
Read on to learn more about the disease, risk factors, and early signs of kidney disease.
Diagnosis of kidney disease
The kidneys are two egg-shaped organs located under the back ribs. Responsible for filtering excess waste, water and other impurities from the blood into the urine.
Healthy kidneys filter about half a cup of blood per minute, but with kidney disease they lose their ability to do so. This causes hazardous waste and water to accumulate in the body.
In addition to eliminating toxins, the kidneys perform various functions. It balances water and minerals in the blood, produces chemicals that help form red blood cells, and produces a form of vitamin D that’s essential for bone health—all of these mechanisms affect kidney disease, as we’ll talk about later.
Causes of kidney disease
Health and lifestyle conditions increase the risk of kidney disease. This is:
-High blood pressure
-animal diseases
-Family history of kidney disease
-If you have any of these conditions, talk to your doctor to discuss your risks and get tested for kidney disease.
Warning signs of kidney disease
There are no symptoms in the early stages of kidney disease. Symptoms may worsen over time with kidney damage. Pay close attention to these symptoms of kidney disease to avoid treatment as soon as possible.
- changes in urine flow
- Urine production is one of the basic functions of the kidneys. Therefore, early detection of kidney disease through urine monitoring is not surprising. When the kidneys are not working properly, the urinary system can have various problems. Other warning signs include blood in the urine, an increased need to urinate, and cloudy or watery urine.
- fatigue
- Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO), which instructs the body to make red blood cells. When the kidneys begin to fail, EPO decreases and the body produces fewer red blood cells. A decrease in red blood cells can cause anemia, which is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. You may feel tired, dizzy or sleepy. You may be more mentally tired than usual or have problems with memory or concentration.
- Swelling of the face or legs
- Maybe try old-fashioned tricks like drinking a glass of water in the morning to reduce inflammation. If you have kidney disease, no matter how much water you drink, you cannot get rid of pus. When your kidneys don’t remove too many toxins, your mouth can swell and swell. Hypersodium is another side effect of kidney disease, which causes swelling in the legs and feet.
- Localized pain
- Behind the abdomen, on the other side of the spine, is the kidney. If you have pain in your back or midsection, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your kidneys. In addition to back or limb pain, muscle stiffness is another subtle sign to watch out for. Various electrolyte imbalances can occur in kidney disease, such as low calcium levels or high phosphorus levels. As a result, the muscles of the hands and feet may develop aches or pains.
- The food has a metallic taste
- If you have kidney disease, your taste buds are often altered. Blood impurities give food a metallic taste and leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to get the food you need. The accumulation of waste not only changes the taste of food, but also causes odor.