9 Breast Cancer Symptoms that Aren’t a Lump

Cancer of the breast is usually diagnosed after you feel swelling in your breast and go to the doctor for further examination, usually mammography or biopsy. Although a lump is the most common symptom, it is not the only warning sign. Breast cancer can cause other visible symptoms, even if you don’t feel swelling.

In the early stages, you may not notice any symptoms at all, so doctors recommend regular mammography. Modern diagnostic technologies allow you to detect breast cancer before you feel the lump, and, as in the case of all other types of cancer, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher your chances of receiving effective treatment.

Here are nine other symptoms of breast cancer that should be known during routine mammographic examinations.

  1. Your skin changes texture
    Changes in the texture of the skin near the areola may indicate breast cancer

Breast cancer can cause inflammation of the skin cells in the affected area, which can change the texture of the skin. You can notice peeling skin around the nipple and areola. When this happens, it may appear that you are burnt in the sun or you have very dry skin. Thickening of the skin on any part of the chest can also be a sign of cancer. You may also have a rash in these areas, but it is not a common symptom. A rare type of breast cancer, called Pejeta’s disease, can also cause similar changes in the skin.

But don’t panic immediately if you notice changes in skin on one of your breasts. Also possible development of dermatitis and eczema in this area. Just be sure to consult a doctor to determine the cause.

  1. Vashi soski vydolayut vyledeniya.
    The discharge from the breasts can be a symptom of breast cancer, and the type of discharge varies widely. It can be thin or thick and have flowers from transparent to milky, from green to yellow or red. Discharges usually occur in one breast, but they can also occur in both mammary glands, if both tumors are affected.

Milk secretions may be present in the feeding material, and this is normal. But if the discharge is of any other type, you should consult a doctor. Ne vse vyledeniya iz skov uzkov na krak, no ih vezda svet sveld proverat. Infections, certain medications and certain types of contraceptives can cause nipple discharge.

  1. You notice dimples on the skin
    Vospalitelnyj rak molochnoi glezy может как зымочки на коже молочной глезы

Your breast may not be the first part of the body that comes to mind when you think of dimples, but if you notice dimples in this unusual area, see a doctor. This may be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer, which is an aggressive type.

Вы можете заметит отек вместе и мочками и моччками на коже, если карковые целы взлани скопление лимфатической в ​​крест. What is it similar to? According to the medical world, skin with dimples can look like orange skin.

  1. Changes in lymph nodes
    You probably asked your doctor to feel the lymph nodes in your neck and probably even looked at them yourself to see if they were swollen. Lymph nodes are round tissues of the immune system that filter fluid and trap potentially dangerous cells, such as bacteria, viruses and even cancer cells. They are an important part of your immune system.

When breast cancer cells travel, they usually move to the lymph nodes under the armpit, which are located on the same side as the breast cancer. When this happens, your axillary lymph node can swell. But you can also notice it in the lymphatic nodes around the collarbone.

A swollen lymph node feels like a tumor, but it is small, hard, enlarged, and possibly painful to the touch. But again, if you have an infection of the breast, it can affect your lymph nodes in the same way. It is also possible that the swollen lymph nodes are not related to your breast. But in any case, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

  1. U vas bolyat tyre ili soski
    Pain in the chest or nipples is a less common indicator of cancer

Because breast cancer causes changes in the skin cells, you may experience pain, soreness, or discomfort in your breasts, even if there are no lumps.

Often breast cancer does not cause pain, but if you experience pain or discomfort, do not ignore it. This is still a symptom of breast cancer, although it is less common. Some women even describe it as jjenie.

  1. Your nipple goes in or out
    Sometimes cancerous changes in the cells of the mammary gland occur behind the nipple, causing it to twist or pull inward and back into the breast. This can also affect the size of your nipples. But keep in mind that sometimes your menstrual cycle can change.

if it is not an injury or the effects persist, it is best to seek medical attention to determine the presence of cancer.

  1. Your breasts are swollen.
    Even if there is no lump in the chest, the tumor can cause a tumor. You may have noticed that one of them is bigger than the other. If your breasts have always been the same size, this change may be a sign of cancer.

When the breast swells, the skin feels tight and uncomfortable.

  1. Your breast size is changing very quickly.
    A sharp change in the size of the breast can be a sign of cancer, especially inflammation.

Any type of breast cancer can cause swelling and change the size of the breast. But a rapid increase in size may indicate the presence of breast cancer. This type of cancer is rare but aggressive.

It occurs when the lymphatic vessels in the skin lining the breast become blocked by cancer cells. Your breasts will be swollen and your skin will be red. Inflammatory breast cancer starts in a local area but spreads to nearby tissues, possibly lymph nodes.

Inflammatory breast cancer is easily diagnosed as a breast infection that causes swelling and redness of the breast. If you notice these symptoms, see your doctor.

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